My Youth Development Story

Throughout my life, I have always had the desire to help others. I would often help my mom by babysitting my sister, I would help my dad by cleaning up the house, I would volunteer to clean up parks or help at a retirement home, or I would help set up dinner for the holidays. Naturally, this desire helped shape my career path, by the time I entered college I knew that I wanted to be a teacher or social worker. While searching for a college I kept reflecting upon my first job, which was working at an after school program called C.O.Z. (Child Opportunity Zone). I realized how much I truly enjoyed working there and interacting with the children. During this time, I also began to second guess weather or not teaching was the correct choice for me. While visiting Rhode Island College I came across a booth that was set up on accepted students day. It was full of people who declared a major in Youth Development, I found their recounts of the me major very interesting but I was worried about financial stability. Ultimately, I declared my major in Elementary education. After taking a few courses, I realized that teaching was not the path I wanted to take. Over the course of the next few semesters I finished my general education and decided to begin courses in Youth Development.  I had decided that I would rather do something I am passionate about and find ways to supplement my income, than do something I would hate.  Youth development is my passion and although I worry about job security and other factors, I am happy I chose something that is both important to me and impacts the community.


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