Ydev Advising

Rhode Island College has many different courses and various levels of degrees. This can often make advising a challenge. While many advisers require students to make individual appointments, YDev students get the benefit of group advising, in class or during free period. Group advising allows you to receive help from your peers when deciding which courses to take and when. For example if a social work class is heavy in writing and reading materials, you may not want to take the same time as introduction to writing. Your peers could help you decide this, because many have already taken the course or have made that mistake. This directly relates to the article "What is Youth Work", in it the author describes how youth development professionals often prefer to work in groups, especially when working with the kids. This allows them to build bonds, work in teams, learn about each other, and develop new skills. Another special thing about group advising is that you get to help new majors or freshman build their schedule and update their plan of study! This is a valuable skill because it can be stressful and overwhelming at first. Helping them learn the ropes and  staying organized will be greatly beneficial to them later on! Another cool thing is that we get to learn new ice breakers and meet new people ! As a major, we are also utilize the RIC Website often. To help us utilize the course catalog to get a view of all the classes the college offers. We also utilize Google Docs to help us keep our plan of study up to date.


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