what is youth development?

Many people already know that teachers can make a huge impact on a child's development, however,  school aged child does not spend a majority of their time in school. Based on 2010 estimates, over 10 million youth participate in after school programs annually. So who runs these programs? the answer is youth development professionals, they are the coaches, mentors, counselors,  tutors and more. Many people believe that after school programs are nice but not necessary, while the truth is the exact opposite. Not only do these programs prevent problem behaviors, they also help a child develop the skills necessary to be successful in life. This means that they develop and improve their academic and social skills whilst in these programs. Youth development professional make just as much as an impact as a teacher, but through different vehicles, such as purposeful play, care, social justice and more. To sum it all up a youth development professional is anyone that works with children outside of skill, to give them the skills they need to be successful.


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